Saturday, December 5, 2015

Refugees, the UN is pressing the EU

Refugjatët, OKB i bën presion BE-sëThe European Union is taking constant warnings from the United Nations should act quickly on the issue of refugees.
UN officials say that while Southeast European countries face a huge task to accommodate asylum seekers, should also take responsibility for creating the crisis.
Special Rapporteur of the Organization for housing, Leilani Farha stated that the union should act as soon as possible to avoid the problem of social discrimination, as refugees continue to live in extremely poor conditions.
"Housing is a human right and not a commodity," said Farha. But the European Union's responsibility is not compact, the issue of quota refugees has created divisions. Different countries have reacted differently to their distribution system.
A few days ago was the interview of the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, who stirred controversy. He called for a change in refugee policy, which he must close the doors of Europe as much as possible.
As the situation in Brussels continued to be aggravated, for the UN, it was precisely the terrorist attacks of Paris moved waters and pushed the representatives of the states to agree on some points that are discussed for months, like that of movement within the Schengen area. On Friday the Council of Ministers of Interior of the Union, agreed with the possibility of suspending border-free regime for a period of up to 6 months.

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