Tuesday, December 8, 2015

"Albanian Trace" Last Molossians

Besides being Sar Albanians and indigenous another race, so very familiar, but so little to advertise. He is molos dog, which comes from the Illyrian tribe known Epirotan.

Cycle "records Albanian" journalist Marin Mema brought this weekend at Top Channel, history extraordinary one race, they chose to keep that in antiquity Alexander, Pyrrhus of Epirus, Charles the 5th of Spain up to Attila, leader of the Huns.

A breed that, from which come genetically least 100 molosoide other races, or "Mastiff" as they are known differently in many countries.

A journey in search of being molos, still in Albania. Albanians, the nation that have both indigenous breeds, dog and dog molos Sar.

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