Saturday, December 5, 2015

Turkey sends ground troops in Iraq; 1,200 soldiers in Mosul

Turqia dërgon trupa tokësore në Irak; 1.200 ushtarë në Mosul

About 1,200 Turkish soldiers entered Iraqi region of Mosul, near the locality Bashika. The news was announced CNN Turk, citing sources close to the security services in Ankara. The area in question is under the control of ISIS since June 2014. Meanwhile, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, intervening again on the issue of the Russian plane crash said: "Plane crash of Turkish fighters" F-16 "was not identified and may have been Syrian or bombed us." Head of the government of Ankara stated that Turkey would not apologize to anyone he defended its borders and added that the Russian authorities had repeatedly promised that it will not violate Turkish airspace.

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