Thursday, December 3, 2015

Massacre of California, the whole arsenal of weapons in the house of aggressors

Masakra e Kalifornisë, arsenal i tërë armësh në shtëpinë e agresorëve
Shortly after the declaration of President Obama at the White House on the same event, FBI agents have revealed about 5 thousand bullets, dozens of homemade bombs and hundreds of tools for the manufacture of explosives in a house in California, thought to be related the perpetrators of the attack in San Bernardino, Syed Faruk and his wife.

The news comes as we learn that 28-year-old Farouk, born in the United States from a family of Pakistani seem radicalized and had been in contact via telephone and social media with more than one subject of international terrorism, reports CNN by quoting investigators.

The police chief of San Bernardinos said in a press conference that Faruk and his wife of 27 years, Tashfeen Malik, had been shot with bullets inside the hall 65-75 on "Inland Regional Center". During a clash with police in Redlands, 5 hours after the massacre in San Bernardinos, the couple shot at police, who returned fire, hitting fuoristradën "Ford Expedition" with 380 bullets.

As well as Malik Farooq were declared dead at the scene. When law enforcement officers conducted searches in the vehicle with the license plate of Utah, they found more than 1600 bullets around aggressors killed. When federal agents asked in a flat in the city Redlands, associated with a family member of Faruk, but other media said he had been in was discovered there an arsenal of real ammunition, 2,000 rounds of 9 mm, 2500 bullets Other species, as well as 12 bombs and tools to build explosive mechanisms.

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