Thursday, December 3, 2015

EU discusses Friday on the temporary suspension of the Schengen

BE diskuton të premten mbi pezullimin e përkohshëm të Schengenit
Council of Interior Ministers of the EU is expected to discuss Friday the possibility of suspending the regime of free movement without visas in the "Schengen", a period that provides for a maximum of two years.

Council of Interior Ministers of the EU is expected to discuss Friday the possibility of suspending the regime of free movement without visas in the "Schengen", a period that provides for a maximum of two years.

The proposal of Luxembourg, which holds the EU presidency until the end of this month, justified the refugee crisis, which expressed "serious deficiency" in Greek border, jeopardizing the entire European area.

If the 28 EU ministers agree to implement Article 26 "Schengen Code", then it is expected to remain in force for a long time temporary border controls some countries, established by the approval of the European Commission since the summer.

"In recent months, several Member States have enabled the options provided for in Articles 24 and 25 of the" Code Border Schengen 'circumstances foreseen or unforeseen, restore internal control for reasons of public safety, "said Natasha Bertraud , spokesperson for the EC.

Currently, the European Commission has formally accepted temporary restoration of border controls within the "developments for immediate action" from Norway, for the period November 26 to December 6, and Sweden for the period 12 November to 11 December.

While it has received temporary restoration of control due to "events provided" from Austria, for the period November 16 to February 15 2016; from Germany for the period 14 November to 13 February 2016; France during 13 November to 13 December this year; and Malta from 9 November to 31 December 2015 (Summit Valletta).

Brussels follows warnings on Athens to return to setting boundaries in Europe, if not meet the expectations of partners to mid-December, when the summit is held European heads of state and government of the EU. Otherwise, some diplomats of member states reiterate that "seriously threatens Greece exit from Schengen".

"Two weeks remain until the European summit and, two weeks should be used to produce tangible progress on the ground," said Margaritis Schinas, the EC's chief spokeswoman.

Agreement signed initially by five founding countries (Belgium, Luxembourg, France, the Netherlands and Germany) the EU in 1985 in the town of Schengen in Luxembourg today includes 26 European countries, 4 among which are the countries non-EU agency.

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