Thursday, December 3, 2015

Accord with the US, Lavrov: To close Turkish-Syrian border

Akord me SHBA, Lavrov: Të mbyllim kufirin turko-sirian
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, after meeting with his Turkish counterpart in the framework of OSCE summit in Belgrade, but basically there was the crash of Russian aircraft of the Turkish Air Force in Turkish-Syrian border, said that " heard nothing new "after first contact high-level bilateral between the two countries, since the air incident on 9 days ago.

Moscow and Ankara are introduced in a "battle" tough words but sanctions, biased until now, because of what happened when Turkey overturned jet fighter "Su-24" near the border with Syria, as took part in the air campaign Kremlin terrorists in Syria.

Russian President Vladimir Putin described the incident as a war crime on Thursday, and said that Turkey would face further sanctions. Moscow has so far banned the import of food products from Turkey as part of a package of retaliatory sanctions. "

"We met with the head of the Turkish Foreign Ministry after his persistent demand. However, we have not heard anything new from him, "Lavrov told a press conference. He said that Russia has once again reiterated its position during his meeting with Mevlut Cavusoglu, whose government claims that Russian aircraft had violated Turkish airspace and this was warned several times.

Cavusoglu is quoted by the television network Turkish "TRT" saying that it would be unrealistic to expect all problems with Russia be resolved after a meeting only, but stressed that it is important to record the communication channels open.

At his press at the summit of the OSCE, Cavusoglu said that "the incident occurred on November 24 we should not confuse respect with our struggle against our common enemy, it is Daesh (referred ISIS in Arabic) , terrorism in general; and it should not be abused for political purposes ".

Meanwhile, in a statement, "Itar-Tass" the Russian diplomat said Lavrov received understanding of the United States that it is necessary to close the border between Turkey and Syria.

"We discuss the fight against ISIS with Kerry - said Russian Foreign Minister. - John Kerry agreed with me that the closure of the Turkish-Syrian border and the Turkish-Iraqi, as both are related to this matter, are among the most urgent measures to be taken. "

"How to do it, you know very well our idea of ​​who should cooperate - is quoted Lavrov as saying. - Americans seem to agree that this should be done. We also understanding that the Kurds are our allies in this matter, given that they are involved in anti-ISIS efforts. They are allies of the US and many European countries, which are helping Kurdish volunteers in their counterterrorism efforts. "

However, Lavrov added that "it is natural that the border closure is a matter that should be done only as part of comprehensive efforts of all parties on the ground, and should be supported by air support."

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