Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Continued tension, Russian ship in the Bosphorus, Turkey summons Russian ambassador

They continue to be strained relations between Russia and Turkey.
Russian Ambassador in Ankara was summoned urgently by the Turkish authorities, to express dissatisfaction and concern the whole of Turkey, after a Russian warship is the first to cross the Bosphorus with missiles ready to attack.
Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu called the parade a pure provocation, stating that the future of Turkey's response will be that appropriate to the situations that are regarded as threatening.
The ship that brought Turkey's harsh reaction called "Kaesar Kunikov" controversy had originated shortly after several TV trasmetuan a picture of a soldier who had a rocket launcher arm, seemingly ready to use.
Causoglu Turkish Foreign Minister urged Russia to be more measured, noting that so far Turkey has not stopped Russian ships sail through the Bosphorus, in respect of the Montreux agreement.
Genesis tension on the border plane crash was turkor-sirisan when Turkish military forces brought down a Russian fighter jet.

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