Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Killing of 3 Syrian soldiers, US blame Russia

Vrasja e 3 ushtarëve sirianë, SHBA-të fajësojnë Rusinë
Syria accused on Monday the coalition led by the United States for the bombing of a military camp in the eastern part of the country, killing three Syrian soldiers and wounding 13 others, but a senior US official said that The Pentagon is "convinced" that the attack came from a Russian fighter jet.

Disputes regarding the deadly air attack once again underscore the growing chaos in the skies of Syria, where various world powers have begun to hit separate targets considered Islamic State in the war-torn country.

In a letter sent to the United Nations and published by state media Syrian government in Damascus has announced that 4 planes from Western coalition had hit Syrian military camp in the eastern city of Deir el-Zour, during the night of Sunday. In addition to causing casualties among the soldiers, the letter states that the attack destroyed the armored vehicles and tanks ammunition stockpile.

"This attack hampers efforts to combat terrorism and proves once again that this coalition lacks seriousness and credibility regarding the effectiveness of the fight against terrorism", says the letter of Syria. Damascus government refers to all those who are fighting to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad as "terrorists".

If the claims of Syria will be confirmed, this would be the first time that the coalition led by the US have hit troops loyal to Assad. However, the United States denied the charge, saying that four coalition air strikes eastern province of Deir el-Zourit hit oil refineries, about 55 km southeast of Ayyashit.

"We did not hit any targets tool blindur or military personnel in the area. We do not have any data, if any Syrian soldier was near our target objectives ", he said the coalition said in a statement, adding that despite this, claims for damage potential side always taken seriously and investigated to the end.

Moreover, a US military official said Washington was "sure" that he attack on a military camp was conducted by Russian aircraft. The official spoke on condition of anonymity, because he could not discuss the matter publicly. So far it lacks a reaction or comment from the Russian Ministry of Defense. However, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a supervisory body of the civil war in Syria, based in London, reported the same attacks with the same number of victims, adding that the attacks "are believed" to have been from the coalition led by the Americans.

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