Wednesday, December 2, 2015

France closes another glass. Authorities: Hearth recruiting extremists

France continues to be in a state of emergency after the terrorist attacks of 13 November. French Interior Minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, said another mosque was closed east of Paris, after allegations that it was a hotbed for recruiting and preparing new ISIS extremists.

Security officers found documents jihadists inside the mosque, where 9 people were sentenced to house arrest, and while 22 others were barred from leaving the country. This is the third mosque was closed within a few days. Last week in the country closed two other mosques, as preached by extremist radicalism authorities there, one in the northwest of Paris and the other in Lyon. Also, another operation is taking place in the resort town of Nice, with the same allegedly linked to ISIS.

France has so far taken the largest counterterrorism operation in the country. Police have searched 2,235 houses, has sent 232 people into custody and seized 334 firearms.

"In 15 days we have seized a third of the amount of illegal weapons, a number that previously achieved in a year," said Bernard Cazeneuve, France's Interior Minister.

While Sunday in France's regional elections will be held, as the first test for the popularity of Hollande after the terrorist attacks of Paris. But recent polls show a strong increase in support for Marine Le Pen, National Front, also increasing the fears that far-right parties could lead Europe into a new crisis.

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