Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Afghanistan, the Taliban leader injured in a debate

Afghan Taliban leader, Akhtar Mullahu Mansour is seriously wounded in a shooting rampage verified in a meeting with Pakistani militants.

The news informed sources close to the Taliban, under which four fighters were killed in a gunfight that began after a dispute over areas around the city of Quetta.

Other data also speak Mansour's death, but this was not confirmed.

Appointment of Mansour in charge of Afghan guerrillas after the death of founder Mullah Omar in July brought divisions in the ranks of the Taliban.

Many old militant commanders refused to make an alliance with him and a faction against his leadership was established last month under Mullahut Mohammad Rasool.

Unlike his predecessor, Mullahu Mansour has chosen an open approach towards kerërve Taliban, meeting regularly with them to discuss their concerns and policies.

Sources close to the Taliban say that the shooting was more unexpected than planned.

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