Wednesday, December 2, 2015

British Parliament expected to vote for airstrikes on ISIS

After several hours in London, the British Parliament will vote on the attack from the air or not the objectives of ISIS in Syria.

In marathon debate of more than ten hours, about 150 deputy parliament is expected to discuss pro-t and cons of air military campaign against the Islamic British aircraft in Syria.

If the prime minister's proposal wins Britain's involvement in air strikes, they are likely to begin within hours. It would be illogical if the objectives are not yet targeted to be hit.

It is expected that 8 aircraft "Tornado" that are the basis of "Akrotiri" in Cyprus arise in operation. Also, 10 unmanned aircraft, "Reaper", stationed in Kuwait will provide intelligence surveillance and data objectives.

Britain is involved practically in air strikes against the Islamic State in Iraq, but two years ago the British Parliament and Labour initiative, voted against these attacks, which have become more urgent after the terrorist attacks in Paris.

Cameron argued that the risk of ISIS is "too real", reminding the MPs that this group has killed 30 Britons in Tunisia and has planned a series of terror plots in Britain, where this year only 7 of them have been eliminated.

Meanwhile, only in Britain today arrested four suspects for terrorist attacks. According Camerun, "the question is this; We will cooperate with allies to degrade and destroy this threat and will follow the heels of these terrorists in their bases from which conspire to kill the British, or will sit down with him and expect to come do evil ".

British prime minister is confident that at least 50 opposition Labour MP will vote "for" government and avoid the embarrassing vote two years ago when parliament voted against these attacks. The expectation is that after midnight Britain will be involved in air strikes against targets in Syria ISIS.

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