Monday, December 7, 2015

Attack in San Bernardino, Obama: freedom more powerful than fear, we will fight terrorism

"Freedom is stronger than fear", was this statement of the US President Barack Obama, a few days after the attacks that rocked California. The leader of the White House urged the cooperation of everyone to fight extremism, as he pointed out that his government will significantly increase security measures to prevent incidents similar to that of San Bernardinos.
"The threat of terrorism is very vulnerable, but we need that we prevent. We would destroy the Islamic State and any organization that aims killing of innocent people. In this battle should support everyone. Even Muslim leaders must work together to stop the spread of extremist ideologies. "
Further, Obama acknowledged that there will be increased security measures and with strict controls just for individuals who enter without a visa in the territory of the United States. Washintonit leader underlined that the procedure will change the purchase of weapons to keep them away from dangerous persons.

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