Monday, December 7, 2015

Welfare, the Finnish government plan, 800 € per month to every citizen, starting from the least

Imagine: You worry how to pay household bills, the government has a solution you pay 800 euros a month.
Finland's government is drafting a plan to give all its citizens of 800 euros per month basic income.
That way if the plan will be implemented will remove all other assistances, provided by unemployment.
These basic money will go to every citizen, regardless of how much money there is, whether rich or poor. Plan with 800 euros per month, will be effective for every person in the country, including infants and teenagers.
The idea of ​​the Finnish government is very popular and according to a survey conducted by the Social Insurance Institute is supported by 69% of the population.
"For me, the basic income would mean simplification of the social security system," said Finnish Prime Minister Juha Sipilä.
This plan according to "Bloomberg" would cost the government 52.2 billion euros a year.
The Government of Finland will take a final decision on the plan in November 2016.
Holland is also a similar proposal. Utrecht will undergo a pilot project next year.

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