Monday, December 7, 2015

Regional elections in France, the National Front winning 6 of the 13 regions

National Front can be declared the winner in six of the 13 regions in which took place the first round of elections in France. There was this projection of preliminary surveys, who see the party of Marine Le Pen as the most voted party, with a total of 30.8%. According to experts, the growth of this political force is influenced by the attacks that shook Paris and the crisis of immigrants.
The Republican Party led by former President Nicolas Sarkozy, is positioned as the second force, making pervete approximately 27.2% of the electorate. Meanwhile, it seems increasingly falling Socialist Party President Francois Hollande, who is expected to win only 22.7% of the vote.
The second round of voting will be held on December 13. Regional elections will be an important presidential treguel to be held in 2017.

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