Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Assad: Russia's invasion of Syria stopped ISIS

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Moscow's military involvement in his country has brought major changes, including the slowing of the Islamic State.

Campaign Russian air in support of Assad, old ally of Russia in the region, launched by the end of September and by the head of state Syria, bombs Russia have managed to do within a short time, they could not do in a year US air strikes.

"Since the involvement of Russia in the war, ISIS has shrunk, as well as al-Nusra Front or other terrorist groups. The facts speak for themselves, "said Bashar al-Assad.

In comments made to a Czech television, Assad also condemned Russian plane crash in Turkey on November 24, occurred in his inside Syrian territory.

"The incident clearly shows that Recep Tayyip Erdogan lost his temper, for the simple reason that Russia's involvement changed all that what was at stake. Failure Erdogan in Syria, his failure terrorist groups end its political means, "said Assad.

Russia launched its air campaign in Syria, claiming the attack on militants, but in fact, during this time has hit hardest positions anti-Assad rebels.

On Tuesday, exactly a week by Russian aircraft incident, US President Barack Obama urged both sides to reduce tensions. After a meeting with Erdogan in Paris, the chief White House reaffirmed Washington's support of Ankara's right to defend itself and its airspace. But again he insisted that Russia and Turkey to tone, and focus on the common enemy of all: the threat emanating from the Islamic State today.

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