Wednesday, December 2, 2015

ISIS, Germany prepares 1,200 soldiers, planes and boats. Expected vote in the Bundestag

The German government cabinet on Tuesday gave the "green light" State participation in fighting in Syria, now belongs to the Parliament to approve it, that would be the largest military mission of Germany since that of Afghanistan.

Bundestag discusses today sending 1,200 soldiers, 6 intelligence aircraft "Tornado" tanker aircraft and a frigate international coalition in support of anti-ISIS.

"We are expanding our participation in alliance with fighting the same extremist group, only this time in Syria," said Angela Merkel, who after the attacks of 13 November in Paris, France promised full assistance and comprehensive.

The mandate is valid for one year at a cost of 134 million euros. After today's discussions, the vote in the lower house of the German parliament must be held on Friday and chances of its approval are great.

Grand coalition government of Chancellor has an overwhelming majority in the Bundestag. Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier told the daily "Bild" that expects a skepticism among lawmakers, but still believes that the plan will be successful.

"We are doing what is necessary militarily, what we do best, which may be acceptable politically. Faced with an enemy as ISIS must be patient, "said Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

A part of the deputies of the Left and the Green party are expected to oppose the military mandate in the Bundestag, and perhaps even to appeal the matter to the Constitutional Court.

The worry is the union of the armed forces, "Bundesëehrverband" whose leader Andre Wuestner told public broadcaster "ARD" that the fighting could last 10 years or more, so he urged political leaders to outline as clearly terms of the mission.

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