Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Russia declared "non grata" George Soros, "a threat to national security"

After heavy trade measures in retaliation against Turkey, after the crash of a Russian aircraft about a week ago, Russia seems to have become even more hand.

Prosecutor General's Office has issued an official statement, in which informs the Institute Open Society of George Soros, mogul financial renowned for - as stated in the declaration, - propaganda support and set to the flood of immigrants in Europe, as well as for "coup" in Ukraine last year, as do many secret documents obtained after numerous attacks cybersecurity, and the Foundation for Assistance to the Institute for Open Society, as "groups of undesirable" being detained Russian citizens participation in their projects.

The notice states that such organizations, led by Soros, constitute a "threat to the fundamentals of the constitutional order of Russia, as well as to national security", but the fact that the Ministry of Justice will be informed regularly on these conclusions and that these organizations will included in the group of "foreigners non grata".

In fact, since July last year, Russian investigators are investigating the activities of affiliates of Soros, consisting of 12 groups included in the list approved by the Senate Russian necessity of keeping under surveillance, due to the so-called activities, anti-Russian, almost all of American origin and directed by the characters classified as neoconservatives, or those close to American Democrats and other formations liberal or left. Among them include George Soros, who in Russia is considered the "godfather" of the European left's true.

If a group is inserted in the list of "undesirables", their assets financial in Russia should be frozen, their offices closed, and prohibited the distribution of any material information and propaganda, otherwise risk hefty fine, or imprisonment .

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