Saturday, December 5, 2015

COP21 in Paris, developed a draft that can be the basis for long-term resolution

COP21 në Paris, hartohet drafti që mund të jetë bazë për zgjidhjen afatgjatë
Delegates from countries participating in the UN conference on climate change in Paris on Friday adopted a draft, they hope to use as the basis for a new global agreement to limit carbon emissions in the atmosphere.
48-page document will be discussed by the relevant ministers on Monday. They will try to reach a comprehensive solution at least by the end of next week.
French climate ambassador warned that there is still a need to resolve deep differences and major political, however.
195 delegates from participating countries have worked throughout the night in the center where the conference is being held at Le Bourget, conscious to respect the deadline of noon on Saturday, set earlier by the French presidency of the meeting.
Document with a substantial content will now pass to ministers, who will have to take major political decisions are needed, if the text could be used in a long-term agreement.
"It is not yet decided anything and if anything is left after our wings," said French ambassador for climate, Laurence TUBIANA. "This text means only the desire of everyone to reach an agreement. But we are not yet at the end of the road. There are still major political issues to be resolved, "she warned.
However, many delegates seemed liberating, at least to achieve up to this point, as this marks a critical point after four years of negotiations. The document sets out the range of possibilities to choose from ministers, which will be long-term objective of the agreement, as did the growth rate and methods of funding for climate protection for the poorest nations.

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