Thursday, December 3, 2015

To defeat ISIS, Trump prepared to commit war crimes

Donald Trump thinks that there is only one way to defeat terrorists ISIS, and that is: be hit families.

Contender for the Republican nomination in the 2016 presidential ticket is convinced that such a plan, no matter how relentless sound, might actually work.

"How do you remember? There was compassion them kin? "Trump said in a television.

Billionaire seemed that he had clear ideas about how to fight ISIS. "This terrorist group should be killed by bombs, - he said. - The was for me, would so loudly attacks are not attacked before. In addition, it is very important to hit their best source of significant income, oil. "

Republican further explained that, despite the fact that it would try to annihilate the militants and their family members, again would be impossible to avoid civilian casualties simple, in areas known as strongholds of ISIS in Syria Iraq.

"But one of the biggest problems we have at the moment, and why are so inefficient in our attacks is that civilians in those countries are being used as human shields. It is terrible - Trump continued. - However I must say that politically, our struggle is very correct ".

The man who leads the race in the Republican nomination proved highly critical of President Barack Obama's strategy against the Islamic State, which argues that very little has sent troops, on the other hand has revealed more than what his movements .

"If you have anything to do, do! - Trump said. - You do not talk so much, especially in a situation like this, when there is no need for words, but for action ".

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