Thursday, December 3, 2015

Danes vote in EU referendum

Danezët votojnë në referendumin për BE-në
Danes are heading to polling stations for the referendum to decide whether to accept the EU legislation in the field of justice and policy.

The result is expected to be tight between those in favor and those against. The Danish government of center-right, supported by the opposition, wants to abandon legislation that keeps him out of the internal affairs of the EU, which came into force in 1993.

Its leaders claim that a "no" vote would mean the loss of membership in the European police agency Europol. But the Danish People's Party, which lobbies against immigration, has urged voters to reject the proposals, according to her give more sovereignty to Brussels.

The referendum seen as a test of whether the Danes will receive more extensive integration of their country in the 28-member bloc, which in turn is put to the test by the crisis of immigrants, reports the BBC in Copenhagen.

Although a "yes" vote will not affect the position of Denmark to the issue of migrants, PDP argues that it can lead to policies that will be dictated by the European Union. Hence, their banners in this referendum was "More EU - No Thanks!".

The vote comes less than 3 weeks of the terrorist attacks in Paris, which killed 130 people. Proponents argue that the vote in favor cross-border terrorism and the refugee crisis can not be solved without the cooperation with the EU.

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