Wednesday, December 2, 2015

"Terror" in the streets of London

More than 2,000 Metropolitan Police officers, armed to the teeth, participated in an exercise simulating a terrorist attack in London.

Some of the officers are posing as terrorists, who had AK-47 bombs, and that they had attacked a shopping center. The exercise is part of the British authorities plan to deal with terrorist attacks.

If the shares Previous officers waited until they become negotiations with hostage-taker, when we are dealing with terrorist attacks, from now on there will be no negotiating, because terrorists do not want to negotiate on, but only to kill as many .

Despite this fact, the officers immediately now trying to cope with the gunmen with permission to shoot as soon as have targeted the pledge holder.

Since the attacks in Paris on November 13, the Metropolitan Police is on a high alert and insist that they are prepared to face any kind of situation that may occur.

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