Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Russia: Erdogan buys oil from ISIS; Ankara responds: Only defamation

"Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his family are involved in oil smuggling to Turkey with the Islamic State".

The statement was made by senior officials of the Russian Ministry of Defense, who, speaking at an event in Moscow have filed new charges against the Erdogan government after the collapse of the Russian plane.

Russian officials claim to have discovered three avenues through which oil arrives in Turkey ISIS.

"We have observed three main route for transporting oil to Turkish territory, from areas controlled by groups considered illegal in Syria and Iraq," said Deputy Commander of the Russian General Staff, Serghiei Rudskoi.

For his part, Erdogan reacted by calling libel accusations of the Russian side. "Nobody has the right to slander," said the Turkish president, who however stressed that does not want a deterioration of relations with the Russians.

But according Rudskoi, there is a western road leading to Turkish ports on the Mediterranean, northern another that leads to the refinery in eastern Patme and another that leads to a large base in the town Zhizdra.

Russian senior official said that a part of the ISIS oil arriving in Turkey is destined for the domestic market and the rest sold abroad to be refined.

"The main customer of the oil that was stolen legitimate owners, Syria and Iraq, proves Turkey. After the information obtained has proved that the political class in power, which is part of President Erdogan and his family were involved in the illegal trade, "added the official press conference, which was also open to foreign journalists.

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