Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Asylum seekers in Europe, Germany expects 1 million refugees

Azilkërkuesit në Europë, Gjermania pret 1 milion refugjatë
Germany has recorded 964.574 asylum seekers during 11 months of 2015, suggesting that by the end of the year the number of asylum seekers will exceed 1 million. So far the number of arrivals is 4 times higher than the 2014 total.

The data for November did not provide information about the nationality, but in the months preceding the Syrians, for which Germany has applied open-door policy, constituted the largest group.

The number of arrivals has not decreased despite the cold winter season, with a new record of 206 persons, 101 of them in November. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in August that the country expects a total of 800 thousand asylum seekers this year. But the documents reserved, discovered in October by the German newspaper "Bild", it was learned that the government foresaw the arrival of some 1.5 million refugees ... Germany has registered more asylum seekers than any other country in Europe, even though they account for only 1 percent of its population.

However, asylum seekers are not always accepted in the EU countries and the percentage of those admitted varies from state to state. Less than 10 percent of applicants in Hungary provided a positive decision.

In Germany asylum seekers who are admitted are 42 percent, while in Sweden, the country with the largest number of applications compared with the population, are 77 percent. In all European Union only 45 percent of the asylum seekers are accepted.

Meanwhile, the UN refugee agency said the number of those who have crossed the Mediterranean bound for Europe fell by more than 1/3 in November, due to bad weather and also the biggest efforts of Turkey to fight traffickers.

In November, about 140 thousand immigrants and refugees held the dangerous journey to the Mediterranean to reach Europe, which fell by 36.5 percent compared to October, when a record number of 220,535 people arrived on the shores of the Old Continent.

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