Saturday, December 5, 2015

Obama: Events like that of San Bernardinos will not terrorize us

Obama: Ngjarje si ajo e San Bernardinos nuk do të na terrorizojnë
US President Barack Obama announced that the United States "will not be terrorized by any means", despite Wednesday's massacre in San Bernardino, California.
"We are still stronger and more resilient to recover from such events," he said in a reference to the weekly via radio, adding he was "entirely possible" that two attackers were radicalized.
Rizwan Syed Farook, 28, and his wife Tashfeen Malik, 27, left to kill 14 people before they were shot to death by police. Federal Bureau of Investigation, which is investigating the mass shooting, announced a day earlier that consider this event as a "terrorist act".
Meanwhile, on Saturday, the group Islamic State took over the attack by praising it, saying it was carried out by "two supporters of the Islamic State in America".
The statement made by ISIS radio "Al-Bayan" did not give any details that the group was involved in the planning of the shooting, took place at the Regional Center "Inland", which focused mainly on social services.
"We know that the Islamic State and other terrorist groups are constantly encouraging people around the world, but also in our country, to commit such terrible acts of violence. Often they act like actors alone, other times also accompanied "Obama said.
"All of us; including government, law enforcement forces, communities and leaders of religious beliefs; We must work together to prevent other people who fall victim to such hate idelogjive ".
Farook, who worked for the local health department, and Malik, opened fire during a festive event to be held before Christmas, causing 14 dead and 21 injured.
FBI officers are trying to recover as much data as they can from their mobile phones, which were found destroyed in a garbage bin near the scene.

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