Thursday, December 3, 2015

British aircraft bomb ISIS

Aircraft type "Tornado" of the Royal Air Force before the attacks against the Islamic state in Syria, announced the Ministry of Defence in London.

Four "Tornado" of British aviation have arisen from Akrotiri base in Cyprus and participated in operations, shortly after the parliament voted to approve the bombing.

The attacks targeted Omar oil fields in eastern Syria, which is under the control of ISIS and according to Defense Secretary Michael Fallon, were successful.

Fallon had personally approved the bombing targets be held before the vote in Parliament.

On Wednesday, after a debate that lasted 10 hours, during which there was also controversy, British lawmakers voted by 397 votes in favor and 223 against military action against the Islamic pro, already identified as Daesh in Syria.

Fallon said the attacks aimed at tackling the oil assets of which depends Daesh. Secretary of Defense confirmed that eight other aircraft, two "Tornado" and 6 "Typhoons" will be sent to Akrotiri to join attacks.

US President Barack Obama hailed the vote of Parliament calling Britain as its ally more closely in the fight against ISIS.

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