Thursday, December 3, 2015

Attack in California, police shooting dead two suspects

Authorities in California and FBI have shed more light on what is called the massacre of California medical center for people with disabilities in Sam Bernandino where 14 people were killed and dozens of others were injured.

David Bowdich FBI has confirmed that after exchanging fire with people inside a black car were killed two suspected perpetrators of the event, a male and a female.

According to him, the two were armed and had dark clothing, while the first shot in the direction of police officers by not responding to the order to surrender.

Also arrested and a third person who was trying to leave the areas where police and suspects exchanged gunfire. He has not yet been identified and it is not clear whether it is directly involved in the attack.

Police are continuing to examine the object of "Inland Regional Center", the country that killed 14 people, because allegedly found an explosive device in the interior spaces.

Bowdich said it was too early to say whether this act is a terrorist attack.

"We still can not speak with certainty whether it was a terrorist act, but there is a possibility that has been so. But to confirm must expect to complete all necessary investigations, "he said.

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